Unequal Society
The world of participation trophies is a flawed one.....a highly flawed one. I think this mentality has warped us all to think this world is and should be an equal one when the reality is, it will always be an unequal society filled with unequal people. I guess the big difference is I don't look at our unequalities as a bad thing but a gift given us to shape our character into what we wish it to be. Fighting through my hardships have given me strength, confidence, and a sense of self. Through every down moment, every second I thought, "Damn, life couldn't be more unfair" I found me. And I'm happy with me, even with the parts others may wish to change about me. The thing is, in some parts of life I'd get a trophy and other parts, not so much. But the lack of trophy doesn't deter me but, rather, it drives me to push harder through the things I can change. Will I ever be not bipolar? Well, no. But my point is, everyone single one of us has something that ...