Thirteen Things It Took Me Forty-four Years To Learn
Some things I've learned in my 44 years... 1-It's okay to fail as long as you learn something from it. We all stumble at times, we fail, we all doubt ourselves. The true failure comes from not learning from these mistakes and trying it differently next time. 2-It is okay to be wrong, and it's even better to admit it when you are. Anyone who knows me closely knows this is still a very hard one for me. Even when I am wrong I can pretty easily manipulate a conversation to convince the other they're wrong so they ultimately concede. I really thought this made me clever and obviously right but it was honestly just evil. Own your mistakes and move on because it earns you respect. 3-You are responsible for the actions of no one but yourself so stop apologizing for other's actions. Have I ever apologized for my husband's, one of my parent's, or one of my children's actions? Absolutely, I have and I am 100%, without a doubt, certain that more people than t...