Drunk Bridesmaid
Dan has been telling me for a month that I need to write a funny post and not be such a bummer. I have had a hard time finding the funny in me because I have been lost lately so I figured that I would share the full unabridged version of my sister's wedding from my point of view. My sister had a beautiful wedding at a beautiful church outside of San Diego. Another bridesmaid and I decided fairly early on that we were going to play a game of drunk bridesmaid and there was no way in helll that I was going to lose. Fast forward to the reception, which was at a winery and I started drinking the minute I got there. Dan repeatly told me to slow down but I was adament that I was going to win, I was on vacation. And drink I did and did. I was pretty tipsy before dinner was served where I spilled almost a whole glass of wine on myself. I know most people would be embarrassed but not me, I was just pissed to have wasted the wine. LOL I ate some ...