Remembering.........With Love
On this day, several years back, my cousin passed away. I don't generally talk about him much because quite honestly, we weren't that close and I never wanted to interfere with my feelings when others are grieving. I just wanted to be there, support them, and love them. That was and still is my role. But on this anniversary for some reason, I feel truly compelled to share my memories of him. Even with living many miles apart, I have strong vivid memories. Sean was my older cousin but not by too many years, we are two of 15 grand kids so the age range is huge. As a young girl (maybe preteen) I just remember Sean as someone who would entertain me at boring family functions. He was funny and loving even when all I probably was to him was younger and annoying. He included me, made me feel welcome and loved. I only saw my cousins about once a year because I lived far away. Most of the family lived close together so it was ea...