Hard To Love
Please welcome Christeen, my first guest blogger......... I am Christeen, and Lisa has graciously allowed me to share about borderline personality disorder here on her blog. To be diagnosed with bpd one has to exhibit 5 of the following symptoms: fear of abandonment, torrid relationships, black and white/all or nothing thinking, impulsive and/or dangerous behaviors, suicidal thoughts,inappropriate anger, intense and highly unstable moods, paranoia, and dissociative symptoms. Of the 9, I have 8. The hardest part for me about bpd is that even many mental health professionals consider us to be beyond help. How can we tell ourselves we can manage our symptoms, let alone our loved ones, if even ours psychiatrist tells us we cant? If you have bpd and are seeing a professional that believes you cant get better, please find a new one. We CAN and DO learn to manage our symptoms. I would like to talk for a moment about how my mental illness affects my personal relat...