A Velvety Mushroom

Day 35......

I have a diagnosis.  I went to the cardiologist and I have a diagnosis.  I have coronary spasms which is a form of angina.  I will tell you what I know.  It in and of itself is not serious but the spasms can cause heart attacks if they aren't stopped once they start.  So that means, I just need to keep an eye on them and take nitroglycerin daily.  They make me so nervous because I don't really know when one will be a serious one so any spasm needs to be treated seriously.  Just another pain in my ass.

On to more fun news, I went on a field trip with the Scouts to Discovery World on Friday and it was an overnight.  It was CSI themed and it was fun.  We have such a nice group of girls.  It is nice to have a small group because you really get to know them even better as time goes on.  We had to go around the museum and look for clues to solve a crime.  The crime was that someone has attempted to steal the puffer fish, Peanut.  The girls had a blast.  I even touched a stingray which terrifies me but I did it.  The girls got fingerprinted and we got very little sleep.  I came home on Saturday and crashed and I never sleep during the day so that should tell you how tired I was. All and all, our first overnight as a troop was a success.

Saturday night, Dan and I played in a funny money poker tournament and he won first place.  I came in maybe sixth or seventh place and it was a good time.  It was nice to get out for a change because we haven't gone out alone in quite awhile.  We were there for about four hours so it was a fairly long tournament and it was a nice way to kill time since it was free to enter and when all was said and done, Dan won $25.  LOL

On Sunday, I took my hubby on a date to Saz's to try their brunch before I take Michelle and Lori there to celebrate the end of cookie sales.  It was good.  Lots of variety and good prices.  Dan on the other hand was a pretty boring date.  Note to self, don't take someone you spend every waking moment with on a date, you probably have nothing to talk about. :)

As I have said, I am mainly writing this blog as a journal of this year for myself, but I would like people to read it and as I reread this entry, I know it is so boring and I wish I had some witty anecdote to share but I really cannot think of anything funny or cute that happened this weekend.  I guess the reality is, life can't be all fun and wit, can it?  Sometimes it is bad news, sometimes you find out it is angina and there is no way to spin that into fun and cute and witty.  What I can do, is keep trudging along with a smile on my face.  What I can do, is touch a stingray.  So my advice to you, my friends, is touch your stingray because tomorrow is promised to no one and today might be your last chance to conquer a fear.  I did it and you know what?  It wasn't that bad, it felt like a velvety mushroom.

I hope had a nice weekend.  Happy 2nd birthday to my niece, London.........


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