I chose to be grateful

Most days it can be pretty easy to feel sorry for yourself.  Pity parties are the easiest parties to plan and attend.  Until a day like today when tragedy strikes somewhere in the world.  I think everyone feels empathy for those in Oklahoma today.

As sad as I am for those in Oklahoma, I am so grateful that I have even one more day to hug my kids tight and I did just that today.  I told them that they make me proud.  I ate an ice cream cone because it was a nice day and it made Ella happy.  I told everyone who would listen Billy's ACT score.  I lived life to the fullest.  In the face of tragedy, I chose to live and live large.  I chose to be grateful.  I chose to thank God for all I have.  I chose to pray for those who lost life, property, memories or anything else.  I hope for speedy rebuilding of their homes.

So next time you are planning a pity party, remember another person's tragedy and think about the fact that maybe your situation isn't all that bad.  Look around at all you have, be grateful, hug a loved one a little tighter, sing a little louder, jump a little higher and smile a little more.  Live life to the fullest because tomorrow is promised to no one.  Make this moment great and special, one you want to remember forever.


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