Why? Why? Why?
Being bipolar can be really fucking hard sometimes. If you regularly read my blog, you know that I try to not let the bipolar get me down. I do not let it define me. I look for any positives that may exist because of the bipolar. None of this changes the reality that it can be so excruciatingly, devastatingly hard. When these bad times hit I kind of feel like I am treading water in deep water. Am I drowning? No. I don't need to be rescued but I am getting tired in the deep water so a little assistance would be nice. I have friends and family that help me all the time. For that I will always be grateful. I think that I have so much support because I am a genuinely good friend. I am there when needed, always. The key to these friendships is longevity. These friends and family members know me at my worst and they love me nonetheless. I am very lovable at my best. Luckily, I am my best self most of t...