Heaven's Gain

The world lost a great man last week...and it's taken me over a week to get my thoughts out to share my thoughts in a way that would honor him.

I met Dan about 25 years ago because he was absolutely obsessed with my friend, Kim. And when I say obsessed, I'm fairly certain he thought that the sun rose for her only and that the moon set for exactly the same reason. I thought he was a sweet guy who was raised to honor a women (I wasn't wrong) but he freaked Kim out because she had never had anyone be so interested in her with such intensity...ever. She asked, "Why does he keep telling me I'm beautiful, why does he look at me like that?" She then said, "He left a rose on my windshield...again. Are you sure he's not a stalker who's going to kill me?" I mean, I was obviously an expert on marriage and long-term relationships because I was 20 or 21 so of course I was the perfect person to ask. I simply said that he seemed nice to me so let it happen. And she did which gave me a front row seat to their love story unfolding.

Over time, he became my friend and my husband's friend, as well. He was a good man, an intelligent man, a fun man, and a funny one, too. We shared many memories, good and bad...

I watched on as they married in a dress that was WAY too low cut for any church ever, anywhere. You see, none of the actual bridesmaids actually tried them on in advance and we all happened to be chesty. So I was dancing with Dan at their wedding, and being the gentleman that he always was, he looked over my shoulder, around the room, anywhere to not be looking down my dress. He said with that dry humor that I'll truly miss, "Thanks for being in our wedding, Lisa. I'm really sorry that your boobs are hanging out." Lol

Another favorite story was on my 35th birthday. My poor Kimmie was preggo and the rest of us were DRINKING. We went to a Brazilian steakhouse which is a lot of red meat. Well, we decided to order a bottle and Dan said, "Let's get a red because of all of the beef." I said no because it was my birthday and I don't like red. He said, "Don't worry, after one glass you'll forget you don't like it." Damn, that asshole was right...again.

I will never forget watching him guide Kim through the loss of her two sisters and their infant son. At a time when a lesser man would have crumbled he kept his wife upright. He was strong when she needed to be weak. I am so grateful because without him she may not have survived such profound loss.

Dan, I will learn from your example and do my best to take care of your wife and girls. You leave a huge whole in every part of their lives. I will do my best to share stories of you with your daughters. I will continue to encourage them in the nerdy endeavors you and your babies enjoyed so that piece of you stays with them.

25 years ago we were two young girls so Kim and I had no idea that she had just met the man who would love her until the day he died but you were that man and you did just that. Thank you for loving her and making her happy. This world's loss is heaven's gain.

Rest in peace, you'll be missed. ♡♡♡


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