Do people yay for abnormal?

Day 30.....

Well hell, it has been quite a rough few weeks.  The previous sentence may even be an understatement but I am working on bettering myself this year and continuing to be grateful for what I have.  Today, I am grateful to be alive. I know cliche, right?  But after the last few weeks, I take nothing for granted.

Saturday, January 19, I woke up with a headache.  I went to bed with a headache.  In fact, this was day 7 of the headache.  This morning I woke up with a headache, numbness, dizziness and overall unwell feeling.  I had decided on Friday night that if I wasn't better by Saturday morning that a hospital visit was in order.  I got up showered, packed toiletries (always my good luck charm for preventing an admission) and took the bus to the hospital.  I got there early and was immediately admitted for a stroke workup.(The damn toiletries failed me.)

The week became a blur of tests and medicines.  I did not have a stroke. YAY!  I was given a drip to stop the headache.  The medicine had quite a few dangerous side effects including stroke and heart attack.  As scary as taking the medicine drip was, the doctor said that the 12 day uncontrolled migraine, was more likely to cause another stroke.  So the drip started, and the headache started to fade. YAY again!!!!  BUT, around hour 6 of the 24 hour drip, I had a hard time breathing and had chest pain so they stopped the drip.  Lucky me, more tests.  I was scared but not terribly worried, how many more things could happen.  I couldn't possibly be having a heart attack. I had a stress test over the course of two days.  Along the way physical therapy was helping me with the left-sided weakness.

The doctors finally had results for me.  My stress test was abnormal but I did not have a heart attack. Yay? Is this a yay? Do people yay for abnormal because they also got the good news that they did not have a heart attack? Is that done?  The long and the short of it is, it could be serious, it may not be.  They are running more tests as an outpatient.  The most serious thing I am looking at right now is heart failure.

I spent 7 1/2 days in the hospital with what was ultimately a migraine.  You know what, y'all?  That was damn expensive headache. LOL

I am happy to report that the headache is gone.  I go to cardiology in two days to see what needs to be done and we go from there.  That's all I can do. Put one foot in front of the other and move forward.  It is cliche but yes I am grateful for life; the good, the bad and the ugly of it all.


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