The Rockstar

Yesterday Ella got her tonsils taken out. The surgery went very smoothly and for that I am grateful. She has been a rockstar patient because she is by far the strongest 11 year old that I know, emotionally and physically. She has complained very little and only really speaks of pain when it is time for a dose of medicine. Additionally, she is eating anything that she can get her hands on (that is safe for the healing) and the nurses were literally shocked when they called to check on her today. So when I think about the surgery and her strength throughtout, it brings me back to the gifts that bipolar have given us. As I have often said, bipolar is a blessing and a curse. In this instance, it is a blessing because my daughter has learned how to power through pain with grace and dignity. (I guess I sometimes lack grace, but I always have dignity.) I never make the bipolar a point of shame because it itsn't and I ask for the help when I ...