The Ponderosa Olympics

Every cloud must have a silver lining and I think I have found mine.  For that, I am grateful.  When I was in the first hospital stay, in walked a nurse who was my middle school best friend.  My mom recognized her right away.  I had actually been looking for her on Facebook on and off for awhile but couldn't for the life of me remember her married name and I wasn't finding her under her maiden name.  So anyway, I had found her.

Why is this significant you may ask?  Well, because most of my significant middle school memories are of her and her family,  They were like a second family to me.  I spent every weekend with them because her family ran a booth at Seven Mile Fair and we would sleepover often to stay with the booth.  Now this not may seem like fun to you but think of your 12 or 13 year old self and you would have to admit that it would be a blast.  On top of all this fun, I got paid to work the booth ($10 a day I think, lol).  

After packing up on Sunday night, we went to Ponderosa for dinner.  I learned a few lessons that my friend could have clued me in on before I went the first time, but in her defense, they were her normal so maybe she would have no idea to know that it would be unusual to me.  The first thing I learned it that her dad ate REALLY, REALLY fast.  Now at that time, I was pokey as hell, and always I did not like my food to touch. The second thing I learned was that when her dad was done eating, it was time to leave.  Needless to say, I left damn hungry the first few times.  Then I figured out what was up, kept up with the pace and left full. Yay me.  So for those of you who eat with me and wonder why I eat so quickly, you now know why.  It was conditioned,  I was in training for the Ponderosa eating Olympics and I was damn well going to succeed.

I had lunch with my friend today and I put on makeup for the first time in well over two weeks.  I needed a purpose to start feeling better and she gave that to me.  So thank you, Tracy.  You were a good friend and you still are.  When I came home Dan said that I had the first smile he had seen ia week, so thank you for that.  So when we wonder why things happen and we all have this insane need to have a reason for everything, I have my reason.  I went through these rough weeks to find Tracy.  Now maybe this seems like pressure on her but I find it to be a gift.  A good support system is hard to find and she is offering it after not talking in probably 15 years.  God works in mysterious ways, maybe He is showing me His plan just a little bit this time and I will be just fine.


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