My Gratitute Attitude

I have been lost for quite a few weeks now.  This knee surgery BS has had me so upset but there ismore to life then negativity, anger, resentment, and sadness, so very much more.  I have chosen once again to find my bliss and sharing it because I am blessed, as we all I present to you, as I hope to every Saturday, my new "Gratitude Attitude".....10 things that I am thankful for this week.

1. I am thankful that I am loved.  Especially by Dan.  That man is annoying, difficult, cranky and quite honestly, getting old but he fills my heart with joy every day.  The yin to my yang, my partner in crime, my best friend, and, of course, the Ethel to my Lucy.

2. I am thankful that being able to buy new rings for her vacation brings absolute joy to Ella.

3. I am thankful that James had fun at Billy Joel tonight.

4. I am thankful that Billy thinks going to Six Flags next weekend is dope.

5. I am thankful that my children are each their own person: Ella with a light heart that still finds joy in the little things, James because even though he shares very few words, when he does he is sincere, and Billy because he is finding his way as a man, apparently one who says things are "dope". LOL

6. I am thankful for Ted and Ruth who continue to teach me what marriage should look like.  Unending love, warts and all.

7. I am thankful for my mom because she almost hugs me now.  (And no this isn't a jab, my mom will know that.)  She is not the cuddly, hold your hand while you get the shot type but she will sit in every hospital room and sleep on every crappy cot scared out of her mind all while trying to act like a stroke, a PE, or whatever are no big deal and I should, of course, let her choose the movie.  Thanks for keeping me sane-ish, mom. I love you.

8. I am thankful for Al because he loves my mom and she loves him.  They make each other whole and complete, what more should I ask for?

9. I am thankful for Natalie because although we both probably hate to admit it, we were each other's first best friend.  She is strong, gorgeous, and just amazingly kick ass.  I probably admire her the most out of all the people I know.  She just gets things done without ever a complaint.

10.  I am thankful for Kiki because she helps level my crazy spinning head when I need it.  She always plays interference in family drama; drama that is almost always caused by me.  But does my baby sister throw me under the bus or stop supporting me?  Nope, never.  She is my biggest advocate even when she doesn't understand what I need or how to accomplish it.

I challenge all of us to show our "Gratitude Attitude" every chance we get.  I am going to share mine every Saturday without repeat.  I know that my section about my kids was small and vague but I plan on doing this weekly so I need to space my kid material out a bit.

What's in your heart?  Share one thing that would be a part of your gratitude attitude in the comments because we are all blessed and seeing them all written out will remind us all of just how much.


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