Goodbye 41!

Wow, I haven't written anything in a long tine.  I have let many opportunities slip away but let me tell you why.  I have mainly intended to use this blog to educate and inform about bipolar and create a journal of sorts for myself..  As each day went by without a post, I felt the post needed to be more meaningful and more special and I then realized that was ridiculous and I can't make my journey through life more meaningful or special and it just is what it is.  So here's what I have been up to......

Life is messy but it sure is sweet.  I had a death in my family, my favorite great aunt passed away recently.  Aunt Ev made the best tuna sandwiches and we used to watch the Young and the Restless together.  She was a great long life and I will miss her. I also finally had my knee replaced.  It had been relatively easy, much more easy that I had prepared myself for or expected.  I am grateful to Dr. Main and his staff for their expertise for helping me on my road to recovery.

Another thing that has happened recently is that I reconnected with an old friend.  I think we are both going in slightly optimistic with the friendship because we both got hurt terribly with the loss of the friendship but we will see where it goes.  Only time will tell.  I guess if we are both willing to put the work in then maybe it can return to where it was but I guess I am not positive.  She seems different from when I last knew her and I know that I am so I guess time will tell.  This goes into the sweet category, too.

The sweetest thing that has happened recently is that my cousin, Laura married her love, Jason.  It was an absolutely beautiful reception and I honored to be there.  I only mention the reception because I got sick and spent the night before the wedding in the hospital (only me) and I missed the ceremony, see mess mixed with the sweet.  As I look back on that beautiful but very rainy day, I want to offer some unsolicited advice to the newlyweds.  I gave similar advice at my sister's wedding but since I was since I was weepy, drunken mess I don't think anyone actually understood me, LOL.  To Laura and Jason:  Remain friends and treat each other as such.  Don't go to bed angry.  When you angry and you obviously will be, remember a great memory: Laura in her wedding dress walking down the aisle or Jason down on his knee proposing.  Be more than spouses, be lovers, be best friends, be buddies, be partners in crime, be each others everything.  In bad times, laugh.  In hard times, love.  In all times. be friends.  I love you guys and congrats, again.

I have a hard time writing posts when they aren't about bipolar because I feel like that is what this blog is abut but when I am well my life really is still about bipolar, I am just symptom free.  I guess in living with bipolar, I have a lot of well moments and that should just be the take away.  Bipolar can managed if you put the work in and for those who have been reading a long time, you know, I have been putting the work in and I continue to put the work in.  I am going to try to be more active on the blog.  If nothing else, to keep you updated on my knee progress.  My life is happening fast and I started this blog more for me so I could look back on the good, the bad, the and the ugly.  It was meant to be a diary of me.  Today is a good day but others will be bad.  I need to share it all so that I can learn from it all and so others.  So friends. my story continues.  Today is my last day as a 41 year old and it is a good one.  42 looks to be a good year.  More from the story of my life to come......


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