Goodbye Uncle Peach

Tonight the angels took someone I love.  My Great-uncle Pete, who I believe most of us called Uncle Peach, passed away; he was 94 years old.  Many will tell me that he lived a nice long life and for that I should be grateful, but quite honestly for now, at least, I just want to be sad.  Sad for myself, sad for my Aunt Ev, his wife, and sad for my extended family who live in Cleveland and will miss him on a more day to day basis.

I have many fond memories of him and they all revolve Aunt Ev's famous tuna salad.  You see, I lived in Cleveland for about a year in my late teens.  I worked at the mall just up the road and would often go to their house and eat lunch with them.  It was tuna salad for lunch and The Young and The Restless (I don't know how we suckered him into that daily.) on th TV.....always.  He and Aunt Ev were just always so happy to see me and were always proud of me, even maybe I didn't deserve anyone having pride in me.  For that, I will always be eternally grateful

Uncle Pete, if you are reading this, say hi to everyone that went before you.  We are missing you are much as we missed them when they left us.  Fish with Grandpa Tony, play cards with Grandma Margie, laugh with Sean and just enjoy the company of anyone that may be there.  Enjoy happy, pain-free times while you are guarding over all of us.    
As many of you know, I come from a huge family so in addition to my Aunt Ev, Uncle Pete is survived by too many loved ones to mention.  Rest in Peace Uncle Pete, you are loved and missed.


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