Way too soon.....

This week I received a phone call that no one wants to receive.  One of my best friend's children had passed away in a tragic accident.  She was 24.  Sarah like me was bipolar and in someways we connected over that in years past but quite honestly, I hadn't seen her in quite a few years; only getting periodic updates on her from my friend, her mom.  Sarah like most bipolars was brilliant and wise beyond her years.  She had a gift for lighting up a room even when she didn't neccissarily feel that light coming out from within herself.

In her short life, Sarah lived many lives.  She traveled, she studied new things, she made new friends but yet remained friends with ones from when she was younger.  She lived life to the fullest everyday and I hope in someways her family can find comfort in knowing that her short life was as a full as 24 years could possibly be.  She was loved as she shared her life with a special someone.  As a parent, my biggest wish for my children is love and happiness.  On most days, Sarah had both of those things.

I have a special memory of Sarah from when she was sick but I am going to save it for Sarah, her mom, Johanna, and me but I am mentioning only for Johanna's sake.  To remind Johanna that even at her worst moments in life, the small joys in life, made Sarah happy because she was simply amazing.  Tom and Johanna, you raised an amazing girl.

Sarah is survived by her parents, Tom and Johanna, and her three younger brothers, Thomas, Christopher, and Matthew. Rest in Peace Sarah.


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