The Christmas Roast

This Christmas eve, I am going to write a Christmas card newsletter, you know the guilty pleasure that you all love to receive in the mail because they are a fun and entertaining way to catch up. I am going to do more of a roast of The Pokrzywa/Zadel familes so here goes.....

Starting at the top....

Ted and Ruth are blissfully enjoying retirement.  They have found many friends within their apartment complex where they have a monthly luncheon which I know is just an excuse for them to go and day drink.  But what can I say, when you are in your mid 70's, I think you are entitled to a little day drinking every now and then.

My mom and Al are still happily living together with Chuck, the cat.  Al retired after many years as a firefighter and has had several surgeries and for the most part he is recovering from the surgeries nicely.  One of them was actually quite rough and he has one more to go.  My mom is looking forward to retiring next year.  I assume that she will be enjoying some day drinking, too. (Ruth's tip to a happy dual retirement, haha.)

Oh gosh, Dan and me, what can I say?  Neither of us killed each other this year.  So we had a good year.

Natalie is still rocking it out as the hottest girl in the club but she claims that her new employee is hotter than her (which I know is a lie so I stop teasing her).  Whateves, she is beautiful, smart, and amazing, what more can you say.  Um, nothing really.

Ken and Kim are just doing to newlywed thing.  You know romantic dinners, walks on the beach, etc, etc. Oh who are we kidding, it more like Disneyland and Kim watching Ken play video games.  Welcome to married life, kids. LOL

Billy is doing fairly well in school which is great but this can because a problem because his head is become so big that soon he won't fit through any of our doors.  Oh well, maybe colleges, have HUGE doorways. :)

James is his same funny self, as always.  Can't write much more because in 2013, I think James has said a total of 1000 words to me, he is kind of quiet.

Kaya is preparing for high school and just braces yet she is the MOST beautiful girl you will ever see, can't roast her much either because she too is really quiet.

Ella on the other hand, never stops talking, hmmm wonder where she got that from, oh yes, Dan is pretty chatty, lol.  Anyway, she continues to be the best at everything, just ask her, she will tell you.

Miss London has been dressed as Snow White for about 3 1/2 weeks now.  Oh well, at least she figured out at 2 that she is a princess and she will make all the men bow down to her.  Smart girl!!

Merry Christmas 2013 Everyone!!!!


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