From Minnesota......

The stress test final results turned out to be normal on the films but they are not thrilled with the extra beats my heart had during the test so to the cath lab I go.  The test will be on Monday. It seems like I may never be leaving The Mayo.  I was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night because they need to take me off of my blood thinners, my heart medicines and one of my migraine medicines so the potential for me to get very sick are real and they do not want that happening while I walk around Rochester unsupervised.  They want me to be under medical care at all times in case I have a heart attack, I stroke or I get a clot anywhere.  They think these things are unlikely but they could and have happened (when they were, also, unlikely) so they are not taking chances.  I guess this is the best hospital in the country for a reason.

Thursday when I got here and they went over my wishes should I code during the procedure, it was a hard conversation but an easy answer.  I want them to resuscitate the hell out of me.  And when they are done, keep going.  There is little else to report.  I have been in quite a deal of pain and so I have been sleeping a lot.  Plus, with the new semester starting, every awake moment is spent doing homework.  I have a team of about 8 doctors, per shift, working on my case and one of my morning doctors today was extremely good looking.  Too bad they only stay five minutes.  LOL  Maybe he will be back tomorrow, wish me luck.

Until next time.....from Minnesota.................


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