Again, why were they still giving me drinks?!?!?

It was recently Dan's 40th birthday and we went to St. Louis to watch the Brewers play to celebrate.  And celebrate we did.  And after the celebrating, we celebrated.  Then we stopped for a second and celebrated. Let me explain, we sat in an all-inclusive area called The Champions Club that serviced hard liquor to us inclusively for about 4 hours.  At 40 years old, that is just never good.  Why they kept serving us, I have no idea.  Maybe they felt sorry for the only Brewers fans in the club of 200+. LOL  In their defense, we are not rowdy drunks.

A little more about the day of his birthday; we woke up early because we had only driven part of the the way from Milwaukee to St. Louis.  We got to our hotel in St. Louis and took the Metra Train to Busch Stadium so there would be no drinking and driving. We waited in a line of what seemed to be a 100 million people to get in because it was a give away day at Busch Stadium.  A Cardinals Fan offered to buy our give aways. Yay, we were making money walking in the door.  LOL  We got to The Champions Club and waited for the buffet and bar to open while we watched the Brewers warm up.  I chose a new boyfriend, Kyle Loshe, because I am not moving to Detroit no matter how great Prince may seem. ;)

The bar opens and it is on.  We have a few drinks, a nice lunch and decide to walk around the ball park.  We get down low and a my new boyfriend is signing autographs.  Dan gets his autograph and even gets to talk to him a little bit.  Isn't that kind of the man dream, autographs and talking to a ballplayer??  We head back up to our seats and the game begins.  It is a back and forth game and I really can't speak much about what happened because the wonderful waitress keeps bringing me margaritas.  I fell asleep towards the end of the game, okay passed out, but fell asleep sounds so much nicer.  I only knew they won because Dan woke me.  Again, why were they still giving me drinks?!?!?

Time to leave and we have to navigate the train, drunker than both of us have ever been in our 20 years together, our parents and kids would be so proud of us.  At one point, we got separated and when we got back together Dan said, so seriously, "Oh my God Lisa, I never thought I would see you again, it is so crowded here and we might be lost." And I am the drama queen, LOL.

We finally made it to our room and slept, okay, okay passed out,  through Dan's birthday dinner reservations.  I was awoken to, Dan saying, "Lisa it is dark out, I think we might have missed dinner."  So deli sandwiches it was.  We felt alarmingly good for the day we had had.  Dan even high fived me and congratulated me on not puking because he thought I was puking drunk.  All in all, it was an outstanding day.  Dan had a nice birthday and The Brewers started a nice winning streak that we take full responsibility for.


  1. Very cool. You can always do dinner another time but getting drunk without any drawbacks only happens once in a blue moon.


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