I like to talk A LOT

In six days, it will be one of my best friend's 40th birthday.  All around me, my friends are turning 40.  I will be 40 very soon, myself.  It is an interesting time in life.  You still feel young and fun but you are smart enough to know better.  You make wiser choices most of the time.  You are better able to lead by example, you are usually settled and content.  However, part of you still oddly feels like high school just happened yesterday. 

I want to talk a bit about my friend who turns 40 next Wednesday.  We are newer friends but I still count her as one of the most important people in my life.  She is one of the few people who comes to the hospital when I am sick.  She even spent the night with me there when I was scared.  She held my hand and hugged me even though she is not the most touchy feely person in the world.  She was just there.  Sometimes just being there is all I need.  I like to talk A LOT and usually about myself and my feeling and she always lets me.  She also keeps me in check when I need it.  She is just a great person and friend.

My friend is also a mother.  A great mother.  A mother that I am envious of on many levels.  She is loving, attentive and always willing to put her children first.  Not to say that I am not willing to do the same but she just goes to bat so hard where her kids are concerned.  She is strong, smart and determined and her daughter is learning these characteristics from her.  I know her daughter very well and she is amazing and I know that is in no small part due to her wonderful mother.

My friend is also caring for her aging mother.  She is loving and helpful to her everyday.  She makes sure that her mom knows that she has support if an issue arises.  She mom has a few health issues and my friend takes them in stride and with strength.  She handles them with more and more grace everyday.  She is a great daughter.

To my friend, Christeen, happy 40th birthday. I love you.  I feel very lucky to call you my friend.  I feel even more lucky that you call me your friend.  I am so glad that we met about two years ago and I look forward to many, many more years of friendship.  The length of a friendship doesn't make its worth so although you are one of my newest friends, I know my life would not be the same without you.  I think a part of me would be incomplete.  You understand me in ways that no one else does and that is a great thing.  You are a very special person, never forget that. 


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