George Washington Pose
Prom 2013

My first born son with what he describes as a "George Washington pose" on his way to the Junior Prom.
Watching your child prepare for the prom is a weird thing as a mom. Part of you knows that they are growing up but part of you wants them to be your little boy needing you for every little thing. The pride you feel is mixed with the sadness you feel that you will never again see him watch Sesame Street and yell every characters name as they come on the screen, calling Cookie Monster Bubba to this day. He won't ask me to tie his shoes, in fact, he is probably going to have to be tying my shoes for me soon enough, lol.
I am so proud that I didn't cry when he was getting ready or when I was taking pictures but I must admit, I am a little teary-eyed now. Billy is not my baby anymore, he is much closer to an adult. Don't worry though, they are tears of joy. This young man, is a much better person than I will ever be. He will accomplish greatness in his life. Perhaps the George Washington pose is a sign on things to come, perhaps in 25 years he will be The President. Either way, he will be whatever he sets his mind to and I will be proud. I am proud now. Even when he stumbles, I am proud.
I said earlier today, to count your blessing, cherish those around your more, love those you have to the best of your ability. I am doing just that. I am so grateful for my son. I am grateful for things that seem as trivial as the junior prom. I am grateful he had the opportunity to attend because 25 years later, I look back on mine fondly. It is more than a dance, it is a rite of passage. Party on Class of 2014. William Dylan Pokrzywa, I am supremely proud of you!
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