Cherish those around you

Three dead, 170+  injured.  This is a scary, scary world we live in.  What was supposed to be a day of accomplishment and crossing things off of a bucket list was anything but that for many, many people.  It is a sad day for America, even still several days later.  

We don't know their pain but we as Americans can do many things to show our support.  Donate blood if you don't already.  Volunteer somewhere, anywhere.  Be kind to strangers and think before you speak.  The best way to come together as a country in the face of this tragedy and the many more that we have faced recently is to come together as a neighborhood, as a community.  

Many will now say that the laws for the mentally ill will need to be stronger because only crazy people kill like this.  The reality, my friends, is that crazy and evil aren't really the same.  Were these murders crazy?  Yes, probably but they were evil, too.  So, I guess we need to find a way to protect ourselves from the evil mentally ill people not the mentally ill people who are diligent about staying well and doing the right things.  Do I have the answers? No, I really don't but I hope they are found soon.

I implore you to find away to honor those lives lost and those with serious injury.  I for one, will play an extra game or read an extra story to my child because I am grateful to God that she is still here with me.  The parents of the 8 year old boy will never have that chance.  Slow down, cherish those around you.  I will also pray for those will severe mental illness that they just cannot seem to tackle.  I cannot fathom what they go through when they cannot find the help that they so desperately need.  I will give more of myself and remember that who and what are here today, may not be tomorrow.  I will continue to live everyday as if it is my last and not put off until tomorrow what could easily be done today.  I will remind those that I love just how loved they are.  I know, none of these things will undo the tragedy but sometimes in the face of tragedy, instead of asking why, finding a way to make a positive difference in the world is more needed at that moment.

Tomorrow is promised to know one. Three families can attest to that.  Seize today, make it the best it can possibly be.  Be grateful and don't let these terrorists win by taking all the joy from our lives.  Sympathize, yes.  Empathize, yes. Pray for the families, yes.  But then count your blessings big and small.  God Bless America.


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