There's no place like home
Instead of wrapping up The Mayo today, I had a stress test that was a bit rough. I had horrific chest pain during it and they noticed changes on my test strip. What does this mean besides I can't come home tomorrow? I don't know. Maybe finally an answer. The biggest thing is, I am ready to come home. All the messages and warm wishes have made me home sick in a huge way. I have great friends and family. I am very loved. I haven't written much about the bipolar lately, I suppose that is because there isn't much to report. I have been shockingly stable, maybe the bad days with that are mostly over for me. I can only hope because that is, by far, the worst illness my family has suffered. It hurt all of us so much. Back to Milwaukee, as much as I look forward to moving someday, there really is no place like home and Milwaukee will always be mine. It is the place I met my husband, the place I gave birth to my children, the plac...