Keep calm and carry on

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you still can.  Keep calm and carry on.  I got a card today that said this and it made me think about how I am handling myself. I have been calm and carrying on even when I think I can't.  But the thing is, I think I can, I am.  I am moving forward each day through each test and then the next test.  Today was no exception.   It was a great day.

Day 2 at The Mayo went very smoothly and easily.  I went through 6 or 7 tests and they ran on time for all of them.  The facility is absolutely amazing, concise and welcoming.  It is unbelievable how they can do that in a place so large, but they do it.

The thing I am finding by being here is that I am proud of myself for doing this regardless of the result.  I am forever telling my kids to conquer their fears head on and I am doing just that.  I am just putting one foot in front of the other. listening to my music and making it work.

As for tomorrow, I start the doctor's appointments and hope that we gain some information.  Tonight, I will start my final exam for a class I am finishing up from last semester.  It is an 8 page single spaced paper.  I need an A on this paper to get a B in the class and I am feeling strong and determined today.  So here goes..



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