Happy 18th Hailey!

This blog has been filled with various things that to most people seem to have no rhyme or reason but this blog is about my bipolar mind and my bipolar mind is generally filled with no rhyme or reason.  Maybe that is the point of the whole blog, to make those who are terrified of those with a mental illness to know that it isn't always really necessary to be afraid because most of us are pretty tame.  Walking around the world hopping from topic to topic because that is exactly how their brain feels; for me it is as if someone is almost constantly changing the TV channel, just as I figure out what is on, they click the remote.

My mind continues to be fixated on Piano Man by Billy Joel, I should probably purchase that on CD for the drive to Minnesota.  I have no idea why but by this point, it has become a source of comfort.  Here it is for your listening enjoyment. LOL

  I also have friends that are a source of comfort, old and new.  Many of new ones are friends that I have made at McDonald's.  It's weird because I walked in thinking that I would have nothing in common with anyone and therefore wouldn't fit it but in fact, it is quite the opposite.  I don't know how I fit because I really do have nothing in common but I fit, like a glove.  I am missed when I am gone.  That is a great feeling

I have made a few friends that are more special than others and one of them is Hailey and today is her 18th birthday.  As anyone who is a regular reader knows, I don't share other's stories because they are not mine to share.  I only have the right to share my journey through life.  With that being said, Hailey is more of a grown up than I am and I find her simply amazing.  I deduce that she has had some rough patches through her life but you know what, you would never know because she lives she life in the way I aspire to everyday, by putting one foot in front in front of the other and keeping herself moving forward.  She and he boyfriend, Tommy, live together and work together and always have their shit together and for two 18 year olds, that alone is impressive.  I have never actually seen them bicker.  Now, I am sure they do but they are grown up enough and mature enough to keep it out of work..........impressive.  My birthday wishes for you Hailey are many: love, happiness, success, and most importantly a day of great childlike fun.  You spend so much time with adult responsibilities that you forget that you are still partially a kid.  Live life HUGE and fun and remember that these are the days that you will never get back.  So now you can vote, smoke, bear arms and serve your country but with the exception of these rights you have been an adult since at least as long as I have known you.  Go out, be crazy (but safe) and live life for one or two or three days and then go back to being the mature, responsible Hailey that blows me away everyday.  I love you and I am proud to call you my friend.  Happy 18th birthday!!!!


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