A picture is worth a thousand hugs

Well I survived day 1 at The Mayo and it was interesting to say the least.  I got referred to 6 specialists and I felt as if the doctor took everything that I was taking seriously but it is still very overwhelming to know that tomorrow that I have 8 hours of back to back testing and right now I am currently on a fast.  And as I look around the room all I can see is treats.  Now, any other night would I eat 80 candy bars in one night, hell no, but I really do want to tonight.  LOL

I am trying to think of the words to describe what it was like but it was nothing weird or unusual but just a REALLY long doctors appointment.  Like 2 1/2 hours long.  The doctor was nice enough but he wouldn't be someone that I would probably chose to see again and again, too businesslike and cold, I like the more friendly ones.  Maybe that it just what happens when you don't really have a regular practice.  That is my speculation.

I have received cards, gifts, letters, and I have felt lots of support while I have been here and for that I am eternally grateful.  I have always tried my best to be a good friend and I guess seeing the outpouring of love that I am receiving, I am succeeding at that.  The words have really cheered me up.  Don't be jealous anyone but my favorite one is the following picture....

I always had a special bond with Rosemary (she was in my troop in Florida) and the fact that she still thinks of me all this time later melts my heart.  This picture is what got me through the day.  Thanks, kiddo.  XOXO

All in all, stress included, it was an okay day.  I will take okay because it could have been so much worse.  They could have looked at me and said that nothing was real but they really did validate my concerns.  The craziest thing is that I am seeing specialists that I have never heard of before, now that is impressive to me.  Like magic doctors, LOL.

That's all for tonight, good night my friends..........


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