It is very unbecoming.......

All that the doctors did yesterday was succeed in pissing me off and that made me walk 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill to get the energy out.  Which the exercise was good, I suppose.

I started the morning off with, "you may have cancer" and ended it with, "until we read the films ourselves we trust no other doctors findings of clots or strokes."  The arrogance yesterday was through the roof.  One doctor even laughed because I was from Milwaukee, (and Milwaukeans are known to be dumbasses, I guess).  Well guess what, buddy boy, my Milwaukee son got a 32 on the ACT and he is plenty smart and could be a doctor if that is what he wanted to be.  You, Dr. Edell, are just a man from Texas or Oklahoma (where they are definitely known for genius) and just a person like the rest of us.  So get off your high southern high horse. it is very unbecoming.  Yesterday was the first day that I was not impressed with the Clinic and I really wanted to come home.  A big part of me still does.

We are no closer to answers, probably further away, in my opinion.  If I have no clots or strokes, but I have all the symptoms and the doctors treating me, find evidence on pictures can you imagine what them disputing that without looking at the pictures is doing to my psyche?  I will tell you that it is making me a basket case.  I don't know which end is up, who to trust, who to believe and how to go forward.  If you go for a second opinion, does that automatically invalidate the first opinion or could the second opinion be the wrong one?

To add insult to injury, no can seem to understand why I am upset.  They think I am upset because I want to have had the stroke or the PE and would be mad that it was untrue.  I would be heartbroken if it was untrue because that means that I have no safe hospital to go to in Milwaukee because they are truly incompetent and I not ready to believe that.  I really, really like my doctors in Milwaukee and I only agreed to come to The Mayo to streamline care, not to hear how incompetent my care is now.  That is why I am upset.  I respect those doctors in Milwaukee and they are disrespecting them here.  I feel defensive and protective and mother-like.  They have me on the defense at all times trying to defend people that I feel took good care of me when I needed it.

So there you have it, I have the weekend off, hopefully Monday will be better.


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