Sometimes, things cannot be explained

I am wrapping up The Mayo tomorrow and I go into it with mixed emotions.  I don't know that this was the earth-shattering experience that my family was hoping for.  All the tests are coming back with almost identical results to what I had from Milwaukee.  They ran a few more tests here looking for answers but they all came back negative.  They reality is, I have a problem with my blood and they don't why here anymore than they do in Milwaukee.  I had confidence in my Milwaukee doctors but my family felt so strongly that they were missing something so life-changing that I agreed to incur thousands of dollars worth of medical bills to find out what it was.  But guess what?  Sometimes, things cannot be explained.  The answers are for God to share and he isn't ready for me to know.  Am I sad?  Kinda.  Am I accepting?  Yes, I was to that point a couple months ago.  

What I learned at The Mayo.......

That I do not not have a brain disease causing the clots in my lungs and headaches.....I was never tested for this before.

My stomach empties at a normal rate.....I was never tested for this before.

I probably vomit so much because of the migraine medicine.....I never knew this could do this.

My heart is structurally sound......I knew this.

My lungs are strong......I knew this at one point but they are still strong after all the clots.

My blood is bad......I knew this. (They changed the anti-coagulant, they may need to add an anti-platlet)

I don't have cancer........until 10 days ago, I didn't know that this was a concern.

My migraines are just horrible migraines no more can be done for them........I knew this (this was the one I was most hoping they could fix)

I had a stroke........I knew that

I had three PE's.........I knew that

I had a DVT........I knew that 

As far as The Mayo, I guess the gift it gave me was I now know  for sure that I am getting great care in Milwaukee and I guess that is priceless.  I love my doctors and have always felt well taken care of so it nice to have confirmation of it.  I also, know that I still have a chance of having this freakish unknown, unnamed disease named after me.  That is the dream, right? LOL

I want to again thank everyone for all the well wishes, cards and gifts.  They have meant the world to me.  Truly everything.  I am very blessed to be so loved.  


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