Billy got into college!!!!! Someone asked if I ever had any doubt and I would be lying if I said I had no doubt because parenting is a scary and rocky road, at least for me it is, and I often wonder if illness and rough times have damaged my kids just enough to hinder their success.  But I digress, this post isn't about me but him and his journey to get here.  The point is, he may of gotten in spite of me not because of me.  But that is is okay by me, I am so proud of him that it doesn't matter.

He got accepted at The King's College in NYC.  It is a small private college and all though he isn't sure that he is going, I am reasonably certain that we are going to the student/parent orientation weekend because he is interested but he can't just go out there blindly.  That would be irresponsible and expensive if he hated it there.  He hasn't been to NYC since he was four and really doesn't remember it.  But when he grows up, he wants to work on Wall Street and the school is in the Wall Street district.  They even have classes on the trading floor of The New York Stock Exchange.  Super cool.

In the 7th grade when my six foot tall Billy was barely four feet and the littlest one on his football team, constantly getting beat up on the field, he started to build a fire in his belly as we drove him to practice one night.  He declared the next song on the radio his "pump up jam".  That song is as follows:

This has been a family joke for the last five years and we joke whenever it comes on the radio and blast it and sing.  Now was this the best "pump up jam", well no, but I guess maybe the groundwork was being laid for him many years ago to find HIS uptown girl.  Maybe she is there.

My family, Dan included, is terrified of him being alone in Manhattan but I always thought that this one was the best fit for him.  It is small, under 600 kids small, and the professors would know his name.  I think that would be important to him.  He is so much like me and I know that I would have thrived in that type of environment.  I got lost in a huge university and I think he will, too.  Maybe it is because we both skipped graded and are on the younger side of the group but I just feel in my gut that he belongs there.  But at the end of the day, I get no vote.  That is who I raised him to be, someone who had his own mind and was willing to make powerful and difficult decisions with it.

I feel so blessed today that my son has accomplished yet another goal.  This one was hard fought.  He was in three high schools in the last four years and that made him struggle.  Add in me, constantly trying to die and it had to have been a lot.  A lot of internalized angst and struggle but he did it.   He is still on track for his full IB diploma which is kicking his ass HARD, but he is doing it and I couldn't be more proud.  Today is another good one, I love you, my little peanut, and I know you can do anything you put your mind to.


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