It's Mayo Time.

It has been decided and January 21st is the day.  I am going to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for a head to toe evaluation.  I have a very hard time even talking about it without crying.  Sometimes they are tears of gradititude that the best hospital, where 1000's of people are turned away each week, that I was chosen.  But mostly they are just tears of fear and sadness.  I am scared, sad, and jealous of those who are never, never going to be considered as a patient at Mayo.  I understand that there is a very good chance that they may help me but what in the hell will I do, if they find more.  My plate is full and I am not open to more but it could happen, there could be more.

I will update as I go along, but all I know at this point is that arrive and will be greeted by a cardiologist at 1:30 on that Tuesday afternoon.  He will do a head to toe assesment and assignment most of my tests at that time and lay out the next 3-7 business days.  I have been told that tests can be added based on the results of these tests but once the original tests are ordered, they are ordered.

Now, I am gathering my films, pictures and records for the past two years.  This is overwhelming in and of itself because it maxes out at 50 pages.  How do I choose the best 50 pages out of what it probably a 4000+ page chart.

My in-laws and mom are so proud of me for making this decision which I guess in someways makes it worth it because it is one of the most anguished filled one I have ever made.  The unknown is scary and even with my mom by my side,  I will walk this path alone.  I hope that answers are found and good decisions are made to better my life for me and the kids.  As far as Dan emotions, it is hard to say because he has been across the board emotionwise.  He thinks he bounces from fear, to anger, to disblief, to just sheer sadness.  This has been a hard time but we will persevere because that is what we do.


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